What Drives Non-Acceptance of EMRs?
I recently read a report stating that nearly half of all physicians in America still rely on paper records, and I was astounded to know that the number was so high. All of the doctors I go to have EMR/EHR, many that integrate with the local hospital and other providers within the system. The great […]
Digital Medical Images in the Cloud
Digital Medical Images Need a Cloud Whether your digital medical images came from scanning X-ray film or were created using modern digital imaging technology, the Cloud can give you a great way to store, access and transfer your images. Maintaining current and previous studies in a digital medical images Cloud enables patients and physicians to […]
Records Retention / Scanning and Disposing of X-Ray Film
Storing and maintain files of old medical X-ray film can take up a lot of space. You may have already gone digital and are ready to get rid of these cumbersome films, but before you start cleaning house, it’s a good idea to review your legal requirements regarding the retention of medical records and the […]
What Should You Know About Digitizing X-Ray Film?
If you’ve decided to embark upon the conversion of X-ray film to digital archives, there are a number of important things you should know, but probably the most important is that if you want the project to be a success then you must pay attention to image quality. This means that if you digitize the […]
EMR Mandate Stage 2 and the Need for Scanning X-Ray Film
By now, we’re all familiar with President Obama’s Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Mandate. Stage 1 of the mandate did not require medical images to be part of an EMR in order to meet meaningful use qualifications, and while Stage 2 includes it only as a menu option, It’s hard understand why any medical facility or […]
HIPAA Compliant Scanning
If you plan to outsource the scanning of medical records or X-ray film, then you need to understand what HIPAA compliance requirements apply before you send those records out. When you move from paper and film to the process of electronically storing, transmitting or receiving medical records, claims or remittances you are responsible for ensuring […]
HIPAA Compliance, Scanning and EMRs
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, also known as HIPAA, not only regulates health insurance coverage when employees leave their current place of employment, it also stipulates the quality, security, and privacy standards for electronic medical records. There are two important facets to HIPPA when talking about EMR: The Privacy Rule establishes national standards […]
Medical Records Scanning and HIPAA Compliance
If you’re healthcare organization is going paperless with Electronic Medical Records (EMR), then you’re aware that you’ll have to convert your paper records to digital system. This means a lot of document scanning! One easy solution way to accomplish this is through Business Process Outsourcing. BPO is just a fancy term meaning that you will […]
What to Do with Film X-Rays and your New EMR
If you’re a healthcare organization that has recently gone digital, but you still have X-Ray film, then your workflow is not as efficient as it should be. Most commonly moving to digital patient records means using an EMR solution that enables healthcare workers to access patient records from multiple points of care, but most EMRs […]
X-ray Scanner to Digital Images
There are many reasons why a healthcare organization decides to purchase an X-ray scanner and begins to digitize their medical X-ray films, not the least of which is converting to Electronic Medical Records (EMR). Because scanning the x-ray film is one part of the much larger organizational change required when going from paper-based processes to […]