Digital Images Streamline Medical Image Exchange
While we look like we’re all about scanning X-Ray film, we know that in today’s world, most medical imaging is digital. While there may still be some clinics using X-ray film, even those are looking to go digital and will soon need to digitize the films they have and then decide how best to store […]
Effective Strategies for Scanning Medical Records
One of the decisions to make is how much to scan, when to scan it, and where to perform the scanning. If you’re a very small office, with only one physician and few patients, you may be able to scan all your records relatively quickly and easily, but let’s face it in today’s healthcare industry there […]
Scanning Medical X-Rays for Patient Access
Physicians, Hospitals and Clinics are not the only users of Electronic Health Records. Another type of users – patients – are requesting electronic access to their Personal Health Records (PHR). This often means that healthcare providers have to provide their patients with digital versions of old X-ray films. This may require the provider to pull […]
Is Your Scanning Service HIPAA Compliant?
Whether you’re looking to have old X-ray film or paper medical records scanned (or both!) one of the first things you need to look for is a HIPAA compliant scanning service. Many healthcare organizations decide to move to Electronic Medical Records (EMR), without considering how they will go about converting their analog records to digital. […]
Tips for Going Digital in Your Medical Office
Medical offices have lots of records. If you’re still managing your records in paper-based files, but you’re ready to go convert to digital, you’re probably trying to figure out just how to convert all of the paper records into electronic ones for an EMR system. We’ve compiled a few simple ideas to help you get […]
Prevent Data Breaches from X-Ray Film
Over the past few years there have been reports of multiple cases of data breaches attributed to improper handling of X-ray film. Scams related to X-ray film have been on the rise as healthcare organizations have moved into direct digital radiography. This move to all digital has left hundreds of thousands of X-ray film records […]
How to Go from Analog to Digital Radiography
There are many benefits for dental offices and radiology clinics when upgrading from analog to digital radiography, including better image quality, faster procedures and better workflow management. Surprisingly, despite the initial cost of the upgrade, digital imaging boasts a lower overall cost of ownership. Some of the lowered cost has to do with the increased […]
Old X-Ray Film and the Economy
What do X-ray film and the economy have in common? The answer is silver! For hospitals, radiology labs, orthopedists or chiropractors who have large quantities of older x-ray film that is no longer needed and that is taking up storage space, 2015 just may be the year to clean out your files. You’ll save in […]
How a Dental X-Ray Film Scanner Speeds Insurance Claims
According to Delta Dental, one of the largest dental insurers in the U.S., most of the claims they get don’t need documentation, but for some procedures, supporting documentation such as x-rays and charts help them to determine if treatment is covered under the patient’s benefit plan. One such example is when they receive a clam […]
Medical Image Archiving
Whether you arrived at digital medical images by scanning x-ray film or by using digital technology to capture the image, the question ultimately becomes how to archive all of the images that you have, how to view them, and how to safely transmit them to other healthcare providers. In fact, medical image archiving is one […]