X-Ray Film Scanners and Digitizers, X-Ray Film Scanning Services and Software

NDT Scanning Information Request

Ask Questions – Get Help – Contact an NDT Digitizing Expert

When you’re converting to digital and have legacy NDT X-ray films that you need to save, it’s hard to know whether to buy a specialized NDT digitizer and do it yourself, OR hire an NDT film digitizing service.

We provide services AND we sell equipment, so we’re in the perfect position to analyze your needs and make a recommendation.

  • No obligation
  • No pressure
  • Just the facts

We’re here to help. You’ll be glad you contacted us.  Just fill out this form.


    First Name

    Last Name

    Email Address

    Phone Number

    Company Name

    How many films do you have?

    When do you need the service?

    Questions or Comments